Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Goals -Ivan Sanchez

Goal #1, Passing my English class with a B.
I will achieve my goal by

  • Studying at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Reading 30 pages a day so I could become more knowledgable and have good grammar.
  • Becoming a better writter.
Goal #2, To not be sent to the office for a year.
I will achieve my goal by

  • Not talking back to my teacher or being disrespectful 
  • Doing all my homework
  • To not distract other people while the teacher is giving her lesson
Goal #3, To be in the soccer varsity team in my sophmore year.
I will achieve my goal by

  • Practicing 1 hour a day
  • Having good grade 
  • Trying my hardest till I get to my goal
For these goals I will go step by step and later on, I will achieve my goals.

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