Sunday, August 11, 2013

"Looking Back Survey"

      For this survey I used my brother that graduated on 2012 from Sweetwater High, I had to emailed him the questions because he is currently not home right now and he answered back. For him the three most important things he learn while being in high school was to be a happy person, have confidence, and have comfort ability.
       He said,
"Be a happy person and you'll make school a fun place to be at and you will like to learn in class instead of it being boring."
      For number two he wrote,
 "Have confidence and you'll make many friends with students and teachers and you will not be shy or embarrassed to ask questions."
     And for number three he mentioned,
"I learned comfort ability because it makes easy a lot easier, things just flow into your mind instead of them being all cramped up."
       To make his high school experience better he believed the school could of done a little bit better. He told me,
"I believe school had a great schedule and a great staff there isn't much to change the only thing that would be nice is if we'd be allowed to go off campus on lunch break and it wouldn't hurt to have a campus security dog to lower down the drug rate but with no policeman required."
        He actually did learned something from a teacher he wrote,
 "I learned the most from Ms. Gutierrez she not only taught me biology but what I also learned from her is health, equal and wealth funny how they both rhyme but it's true, she taught me how to be physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually fit if your good with all this then your set to succeed I also learned how to be calm and patient in any situation it will make it less stressful."
          What he said for number four was, "I wish I could go back to high school and start all over again because it was fun and try harder in class to make it easier for myself after high school, also to make the best of it because it's an event you will never forget and memories will be made"


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