Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"Looking Back"

First of all I would like to say that this all my brother saying this word for word please don't get offended of what he says this is all what he thinks he is very truth full about him self. So don't get into what he thinks for what I know he hated high school not because he had bad grades trust me had only "A's" no "B's" its just that he wasn't taut the stuff he was suppose to learn for his job. So this is what he thinks 100% so laugh or be mad ether way this is probably true anyways.

1.) I learned that high school didn't prepare me for college at all, all they did was prepare me for their tests and not how to actually research papers.

2.) Don't take other high school kids so seriously because were all a bunch of idiots anyway.

3.) Mr. Paliotto because he said "any one you pretend to be really doesn't really know what their doing".

4.) To relax and try to have fun while you can because its going to get harder in college.

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