Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First of all I want to start by saying that I interviewed my dad about his high school expierence. His name is also Piedro Rivera and he went to Sweetwater High School as well. I asked him about the things that he liked about high school and the things he learned. He also told me about a couple thing he would change if he had the chance to go back and most importantly he gave me some advice that can help me succeed. 
First of all, he said that high school was an exciting time in his life because most of his closest friends till this day are people he met in high school and he has shared good times with them. He said it was also fun to meet kids of diffrent age groups.
Additionally, he said that he liked his Communication class because it really helped him to speak in public and win debates. Before he started this class he was really shy and this helped him open up to people that he didnt really know. He also enjoyed his biology class.
Thirdly, he mentioned that he has good memories of his teacher Mrs Gutierez. He said that he learned a lot from her because she motivated him to read huge books. He said that one of the biggest books that he read in that class was 360 pages long. He was really proud that he had acomplished that at that time. Since this was his weakest subject.
In addition to his expiernces he said that, if he had a chance to go back to high school he would vote for more school activities to keep the students busy and he would join more clubs and sports. He would also ask for the gym to be re-modeled with new up to date equipment. And of course he would ask for better tasting food in the cafeteria.
Furthermore and most important he gave me some advice on not being late or missing school and of course doing my homework at all times. He said another important thing is to focus and always concentrate if i want to succeed.
In conclusion, these are some of my dad's high school expierences. Also, all the things he liked and dis-liked in high school. Lastly, some advice that he would give a high school student.

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